Sobriety, Walking, and Veg/Fruit Shake

I’ve been sober 6 months, and I feel fine! Up until then, the longest I’d gone without drinking was 31 days, white-knuckling and isolating, until joining the fun again. Strange how quickly I’d bounce back to my previous level of drinking. Making up for lost time, I suppose. Truthfully, I haven’t enjoyed alcohol in years, suffering from heartburn, brain fog, headaches, and worry that I might’ve said something hurtful or stupid. Or, worse, I’d forgotten something serious told to me in my inebriated state. But I continued imbibing for the same reasons many do—to fit in, or at the very least, to not stand out.

Athletic Lite (25 calories)

Solving both of these issues, I now quietly order near beer or club soda with lemon wedge served in a cocktail glass. And for hosting at home, I bought special goblets, so no one’s the wiser. The rest of the time, I stick with water.

My experience isn’t unique. Many of us have similar stories of partying hard in our twenties: acting like fools, becoming increasingly obnoxious, getting sick, and/or stumbling to bed. But for some, including me, it continues into our thirties, and forties, and so on. Life events, big or small, happy or tragic, became excuses to drink. And, I was convinced I didn’t have a problem by comparing myself to those who drank more than I, yet still functioned. Dumb, but effective.

Ingredients for Veg/Fruit Shake

Thinking back to my 18th birthday, legally drinking with friends at dive bars in Texas after a high school dance, I wish I could tell myself, “It’s all hype. You won’t miss anything if you choose not to drink.” Would I have listened? Doubtful. But I still wonder what I might’ve accomplished had alcohol not been so much a part of my adult life. I think my biggest fear was I’d be too boring or too bored if I didn’t have alcohol to ease my awkwardness. I’ve come to realize it caused me to be both.

Veg/Fruit Shake

But through all my angst, I’d ignored the bigger issue. Genetics! As I aged, alcohol troubled me in ways it had done my father. I became angry, belligerent, and came dangerously close to ruining a dear friendship by projecting my grievances, those I hated in myself, onto someone else. Repairing that relationship will take time, but I’m willing to do the work, because it means that much to me. But, something positive arose from the ashes. That terrible incident, six months ago, was the catalyst I needed to quit an abusive habit.

But, wait, there’s more! Giving up alcohol was only the beginning…

Treadmill Session (Bear Buns T-Shirt by Seattle artist Henry)

I’m walking again! 5-6 days weekly. 60+ minutes or 3+ miles per session, whichever is longer. Bonus: It’s a great way to catch up on movies and/or listen to new and/or favorite music. On rainy days, I’m on the treadmill. In dry weather, I walk the neighborhood.

I’m getting my daily dose of fruits and veggies—the easy way by blending them altogether. You’d think with my being vegan, this wouldn’t be an issue. But my go-to meals are usually filled with legumes and grains, because I don’t like the taste or consistency of cooked vegetables. And I rarely reach for fruit, as protein bars are my usual snack.

Overlooking Shilshole Bay in Seattle

There are tons of recipes to choose from, but I keep mine as simple as possible: 2 cups cooled green tea, 2 kale stalks, 1 banana, 1 cup frozen berries, 2 tbsp. ground flaxseed, 2 tbsp. shredded coconut, 2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds, and 1 packet Liquid IV (orange). On occasion, I add half an avocado and/or 1 cup creamy oat milk. Yum!

After six months of sobriety, and one full week of veg/fruit juice and walking, I feel so much more alive! My mind is sharper. My body is stronger. My spirit is lighter. Plus, these habits will keep me healthier as I transition into my elder years. And, best of all, I’m no longer interested in or tempted by alcohol. Thank goodness!